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Episode 8.7 is the seventh episode of the eighth and final season of Primeval.


Calamity ensues as dinosaurs from the Cretaceous wreak havoc at a country club. Meanwhile, Lester and Jess examine the files Eve had downloaded off of Elizabeth's laptop, but little do they know, Elizabeth is growing suspicious of their behaviour.


The episode starts at the Essendon Country Club, where a golfer is playing golf when he suddenly hears what he assumes is a lost lamb. However, upon investigating the bushes where the bleating is coming from, he finds himself face to face with a Triceratops calf. As he fawns over the baby ceratopsian, he suddenly hears a growl behind him. Turning around, he comes face to face with an adult Tyrannosaurus, which roars at him before proceeding to kill him.

Meanwhile, at the A.R.C, Lester, the Millers, Danny, Dylan, and Jess go through the files Eve had downloaded off of Elizabeth's laptop while Jack keeps an eye out for Elizabeth. Jenny asks Lester why he had to print everything instead of forwarding the files to everyone (except Elizabeth). Lester tells her that he prefers having the actual document in hand before Jess informs everyone that she's found something. Everyone gathers around Jess and are shocked to discover that the A.R.C was secretly going to be shut down due to it being in close association with Prospero and its New Dawn Project. However, the Minister was able to prevent the A.R.C's shut-down and continue its operations. Dylan asks why they didn't know about this, to which Lester assumes that the Minister decided to not tell them.

Jack then warns the group that Elizabeth has exited the elevator and everyone scrambles to hide all of the files on Lester's shelf. Not a moment after hiding everything, Elizabeth enters the office and everyone tries to pretend that they were finishing up a meeting. Confused, Elizabeth asks if she's interrupting something, but before Lester can answer her, the anomaly detector goes off, causing Jess to rush back to her station. As Jess exits the room, Lester tells Elizabeth that he was just about to dismiss everyone before shooing everyone out of his office to deal with the anomaly. Somewhat suspicious of Lester's behaviour, Elizabeth reluctantly accepts his answer before heading down to her office. Meanwhile, the team gears up and heads straight to the anomaly site.

Later, once the team arrives at the Essendon Country Club, they immediately find themselves face to face with an Ankylosaurus wandering through the parking lot. Matt orders Danny, Kieran, Ryan, and Dylan to locate the anomaly and Becker, Abby, Connor, and Emily to lead several squads of Special Forces soldiers and scour the entire golf course for any more creatures while Jenny and Michael deal with the owners & patrons. As everyone splits up, Caroline asks Matt what her task is, to which Matt tells her that she's going to be dealing with the Ankylosaurus with him, Jack, Evan, and Darren, much to her dismay. As they try to figure out how to deal with the Ankylosaurus, the Ankylosaurus stops in its tracks and begins to sniff the air before becoming agitated. Darren asks what's up with the Ankylosaurus before the ground begins to shake. Matt, understanding what was causing the ground to shake, orders everyone to hide as the T. rex enters the parking lot.

The Ankylosaurus bellows at the T. rex as it comes out into the open and prepares to defend itself. However, as it swings its tail around to deter the T. rex from coming any closer, it damages and flips over several nearby cars, including the one Darren had hidden under. The T. rex, after roaring at the Ankylosaurus, spots Darren and deciding that he'd be an easier meal, it ignores the Ankylosaurus and attacks him, to everyone's horror. However, before it can get to Darren, Evan begins to fire his Type 4 EMD at the T. rex, causing it to turn its attention to him. With the T. rex distracted, Darren runs to better cover while Matt, Caroline, and Jack join in and after taking several EMD charges, the T. rex flees. As everyone checks on Darren, Jack notices the Ankylosaurus lumbering away and asks Matt if they should follow it. Matt agrees, but after noticing the shell-shocked look on Darren, he has Evan stay with Darren by the cars until he feels better, much to Evan's annoyance, before going after the Ankylosaurus with Jack and Caroline.

Meanwhile, at the A.R.C, Lester reviews all of the files with Jess. However, every few seconds, he would glance out the window. Jess notices this and asks Lester why he keeps looking out the window. Lester gives her the excuse that he's just keeping an eye out for Elizabeth, to which Jess points out that he could go somewhere else and review the files there. Realizing that Jess is right, Lester decides to give himself take an early leave and go home to review the files. He leaves Jess in charge of the A.R.C in his absence before packing up and leaving. Jess, who was unable to express her thoughts, is left stunned as she watches Lester enter the elevator before Elizabeth snaps her out of her shock. She then asks Jess why Lester is leaving early, to which she tells her that Lester was feeling a bit unwell and needed the rest of the day off. Elizabeth nods but is unconvinced and after heading back to her office, she decides to go to the CCTV room. However, as she heads towards the CCTV room, Eve, who is hanging out in Sarah's lab as she cleans the Artifact, notices this and alerts Sarah of Elizabeth's suspicious behaviour. Curious, the two women exit the lab and quietly follow Elizabeth.

Back at the Essendon Country Club, Danny's team arrives at the anomaly site on the northern end of the golf course, but as Kieran is locking the anomaly, they hear a grunt and turn around to see a sub-adult bull Triceratops grazing nearby. Dylan, remembering her previous encounter with a bull Triceratops, tells everyone to back away slowly and to toss away anything red. Ryan asks why, but before Dylan can answer him, the T. rex suddenly appears and attacks the bull. Everyone scatters and as they watch the T. rex kill the sub-adult Triceratops, Kieran notices the Triceratops calf hiding nearby and points it out to everyone. Dylan tells Danny, Ryan, and Kieran to make sure the T. rex stays distracted with eating the sub-adult Triceratops as she tries to lure the baby away, but upon nearing the Triceratops calf, the T. rex spots her and attacks her. However, upon retreating, the T. rex calms down and lumbers away with the Triceratops calf in tow. Danny asks what happened, to which Dylan assumes that the T. rex sees the Triceratops calf as its own offspring, hence why it attacked her. Kieran asks how it's possible before Dylan points out that a lioness had been documented adopting oryx calves in the wild before Danny orders his team to follow the T. rex, leaving two Special Forces soldiers to stand guard at the Anomaly.

Back at the A.R.C, Eve and Sarah follow Elizabeth to the CCTV room, where they witness her knocking out the Special Forces soldier in the room before attempting to hack into the CCTV system. However, to Elizabeth's frustration, the CCTV system is encrypted with a passcode that only Lester, Jess, Connor, and Matt know. As Elizabeth tries to find other ways to hack into the system, Eve and Sarah sneak away to inform Lester.

Meanwhile, Evan and Darren head in the direction that the rest of Matt's team went, chatting about what happened earlier. Here, Evan learns that Darren had a flashback to the Majungasaurus incursion (from Episode 8.3) and suffered a panic attack, and he does his best to comfort Darren. They then catch up with the rest of the team, only to find out that they've lost track of the Ankylosaurus and are disagreeing (mostly between Caroline and Jack) which way they should go. As Matt defuses the situation, they suddenly hear a distant bellow and head back to the clubhouse, where they find the Ankylosaurus drinking from the pond beside the golf course right behind the clubhouse. As they figure out how to lure the Ankylosaurus back to the anomaly site, Jenny and Michael joins them and Jack comes up with the idea of luring it back with a branch of leaves from a nearby bush.

Back at the A.R.C, Eve and Sarah enter the main hub, only to find Lester's office empty. They head over to Jess, where they learn that Lester had taken the rest of the day off to review the files in a private setting. With Jess being the only other trustworthy person around, Eve and Sarah inform her what they witnessed Elizabeth do in the CCTV room. Shocked, Jess tells them to keep this information a secret, which is overheard by Elizabeth, who had arrived to talk to Jess. Elizabeth asks what the secret they're talking about, but the three women make up a quick story about Jess and Becker's recent date before Eve and Sarah return to the latter's lab. As the two women walk away, Elizabeth asks Jess what's gotten into them, to which she shrugs. Jess then asks what Elizabeth needed from her, but Elizabeth tells her that she forgot before leaving. However, as she walks away, she becomes more concerned about the three women's behaviour and whether or not her cover has been blown.

Back at the Essendon Country Club, Becker's team is patrolling the southernmost part of the golf course when they come across an adult cow Triceratops. Abby warns everyone to be careful, after noticing the Triceratops' distressful behaviour, and as the team is about to knock the Triceratops out, a Special Forces soldier accidentally steps on a fallen branch, alerting the cow to the team's presence. As the cow charges at the soldier, Connor tackles the soldier to the ground, but to Abby's horror, the Triceratops cow tramples over his right leg, breaking it in the process. As Becker orders his men to follow the cow, Abby and Emily check up on Connor, only to find out that his lower right leg has been fractured in several places. As Abby and the Special Forces soldier Connor had tackled supported Connor, Emily calls Matt and Jess through the comms, informing of the situation as they rush Connor back to the clubhouse.

Meanwhile, at the A.R.C, Elizabeth paces around her office, wondering about Eve, Sarah, and Jess' strange behaviour before deciding to spy on the former two. Sneaking over to Sarah's lab, Elizabeth tries to listen in on Eve and Sarah's conversation. Inside the lab, Eve quietly talks to Sarah about Elizabeth's suspicious behaviour, noting that it's painting her in a negative way. However, she suddenly gets the feeling that they're being watched and pops her head out into the hallway to check if someone was listening in on the conversation. However, after seeing nobody in the hallway, Eve heads back inside Sarah's lab, unaware that Elizabeth was hiding behind the corner down the hall in the neighbouring lab. After making sure that Eve had gone back into Sarah's lab, Elizabeth makes her way back to her office, where she calls an unknown individual (presumably the Second Matt), informing them that the A.R.C might be catching onto her ruse.

Back at the Essendon Country Club, Matt's team is slowly luring the Ankylosaurus back toward the anomaly when the T. rex and baby Triceratops suddenly appears, with Danny's team not far behind. With things between the two dinosaurs begin to look bad, Matt orders everyone to knock the T. rex out. Everyone focues their fire on the T. rex, knocking it out before it can attack the Ankylosaurus, before trying to calm down the Ankylosaurus. With the T. rex neutralized, Matt's team resumes the process of luring the Ankylosaurus back to the Anomaly site while Danny's team monitor the T. rex from a safe distance and separate the baby Triceratops from it. When Matt's team, Dylan, and the baby Triceratops reach the Anomaly site, now clear of the sub-adult Triceratops carcass, they send the Ankylosaurus back through the anomaly before sending the baby Triceratops back. However, before they can do that, the Triceratops cow burst into the clearing where the Anomaly site was, with Becker and some Special Forces soldiers not far behind, causing everyone to scatter. However, the baby Triceratops suddenly begins to act up, causing the Triceratops cow to calm down. Realizing that the baby belonged to the cow, Dylan sets the Triceratops calf down, where it reunites with its mother. After witnessing the heartwarming reunion, the team sends the cow and calf back through before Danny informs the team that the T. rex is awake, and that it's in a bad mood.

Matt asks Danny where it is, to which Danny informs him that its chasing him, Kieran, and Ryan towards the anomaly site. Matt tells Danny to lure it back to the site before ordering everyone to clear the site. Everyone retreats into the treeline, just as Danny, Kieran, and Ryan burst into the clearing with the T. rex hot on their tail. The three men jump out of the way as the T. rex runs past them, but to everyone's horror, Kieran accidentally goes through the anomaly, and once the T. rex had gone through the anomaly, Danny quickly goes after him before anyone can stop him. On the other side, Danny finds Kieran, covered in Triceratops blood from the sub-adult Triceratops carcass, scooting back towards the Anomaly and helps him up as they watch the T. rex fight the Ankylosaurus. As the T. rex lunges for the Ankylosaurus' head, the Ankylosaurus swings its tail at the T. rex's face, knocking some of its teeth out and throwing T. rex off-balance. Danny and Kieran watch in shock and awe as the T. rex falls onto the sub-adult Triceratops' carcass, impaling itself in the neck on the dead ceratopsian's horns. The T. rex roars in agony as it struggles to free itself before dying from severe blood loss. With the T. rex dead, the Ankylosaurus lumbers away and the two men head back through the anomaly and reunite with the others.

Later, once the team had returned to the A.R.C, they are debriefed by Jess and Lester (via video conference) in Lester's office, where they are informed of what Eve and Sarah had witnessed Elizabeth doing in the CCTV room. Lester asserts that action must be taken soon or Elizabeth might slip away and they'll lose their only lead about the Firm. With this in mind, Matt informs everyone that he has an idea, but that he'll need some time before he can share it before Lester dismisses everyone for the day.


  • Matt Anderson
  • Connor Temple
  • Abby Maitland
  • Jess Parker
  • Captain Hilary Becker
  • James Lester
  • Danny Quinn
  • Jack Maitland
  • Jenny Miller
  • Michael Miller
  • Kieran Coles
  • Ryan Backer
  • Eve Lake
  • Darren Lake
  • Dr Elizabeth Carter
  • Sarah Page
  • Caroline Steel
  • Evan Cross (Guest)
  • Dylan Weir (Guest)
  • Golfer (Only Appearance, Death)



  • A.R.C
  • Essendon Country Club
  • Late Cretaceous Forest

Cancelled Story Idea[]

Originally, the episode was going to only focus on Elizabeth trying to uncover how much information the A.R.C has on her loyalties. In addition, the anomaly site was going to be in the A.R.C, but the latter idea was scrapped when Tim Haines expressed his wishes for the episode to not primarily take place in the A.R.C.

In addition, the episode was originally going to give insight as to how the Firm was founded and how Evan and Dylan are linked to the story of the final series. CGI was even considered to be used for the entirety of this version of the episode, but due to budgetary constraints and different ideas changing the direction of the episode, this idea was scrapped entirely.

