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Episode 7.4 is the fourth episode of the seventh season of Primeval.


An Andrewsarachus attacks a flat block after an anomaly opens. However, while the team is trying to capture the Andrewsarchus, Michael discovers something shocking.


In the present, an anomaly opens up beside a dustbin and on the other side, a curious Andrewsarchus, who was foraging along a stretch of beach, investigates the anomaly before going through it.

Meanwhile, at the A.R.C, Darren arrives and informs Matt that his mum, Eve, won't be in, as she has to see to her ill father at the hospital. As he is about to leave, however, Sarah joins them and Matt introduces them to each other. They exchange formalities before Darren then heads to his office while Sarah stays behind to ask Matt something when the detector goes off. They join the others by the ADD as Jess locates the anomaly before heading down to the flat block.

When the team gets to the flat block, they are met by the Minister, who has come down to help them. As they bring the Minister to speed on the situation, the Andrewsharcus attacks them. Michael fires his EMD at it, but it does nothing against the Andrewsharcus and it attacks the car Abby and Anna are in. During the attack, Abby accidentally hits the horn, causing it to blare and frightening the Andrewsarchus. As it runs away, Matt split the team into two groups. Him, Abby, Connor, Becker and Emily are to find the Andrewsharcus and bring it back to the anomaly while Darren, the Minister, Anna, and Michael are to locate and secure the anomaly.

Meanwhile, back at the A.R.C, Jess speaks to Sarah and gives her the task of cleaning Lester's office while he is away. Sarah agrees, as she has nothing better to do at the moment, and enters Lester's office. As she begins to organize Lester's desk, Danny enters the office and asks if she needs any help, which she accepts. As the pair clean Lester's office, Jess happily watches from her chair before turning back to the ADD.

Back at the flats, Anna locates the anomaly and while Darren sets up the anomaly locking device, the Minister offers to secure the perimeter before walking away. However, Michael gets suspicious and tells Darren and Anna that he'll be back before following the Minister. Anna and Darren give each other confused looks before they lock the anomaly.

A few blocks away, Matt and Emily locate the Andrewsarchus as it heads towards a petrol station. As they follow the artiodactyl to the petrol station, the owner spots the Andrewsarachus and flees in terror along with a man, who was smoking as he refuelled his car. The Andrewsarchus goes after the smoker, bumping into his car and dislodging the gas nozzle from the car's fuel filler pipe. As gas spill onto the ground, the lit cigarette that the smoking man had dropped lights the gas on fire, causing a chain reaction that results in a huge explosion that kills station owner and the man. Matt shields Emily from the explosion, but they suffer minor injuries. Hearing the explosion, Becker, Abby, and Connor rush over to see what had happened and find Matt and Emily on the ground. After helping them up, Matt explains what had happened before the Andrewsarchus runs toward them. Connor fires his EMD at it, but it does nothing to knock it out, but it does deter the artiodactyl from coming any closer. After getting pelted by several more EMD charges, the Andrewsharcus leaves and heads toward the anomaly.

Meanwhile, back near the flat block, the Minister meets up with Ethan/Patrick and they discuss their plan and the A.R.C spy, but little do they know, Michael has followed the Minister and has overheard everything. As the two finish up their discussion, Matt informs Darren's team that the Andrewsarchus is heading back their way. Quickly, Michael sneaks back to the others while the Minister tells Ethan/Patrick that he must get going.

At the anomaly site, Michael returns and asks Anna and Darren to not tell the others that he had snuck off, which they agree before the Andrewsarchus appears, with Matt's team not far behind. The Andrewsarchus snarls at Darren, Michael, and Anna, as they try to reopen the anomaly before attacking them. Darren and Anna fire their EMDs at the artiodactyl, but they fail to work. As the Andrewsarchus is about to kill them, it is knocked out by the Minister, whose Type 4 EMD was set to the highest setting. As they send the Andrewsarchus through the anomaly, Connor theorizes that the Andrewsarchus' fur must have dampened the effects of EMD charges, which explains why it took a Type 4 EMD at the highest setting to knock it out. Once the Andrewsarchus is sent through the anomaly, the anomaly closes and the team heads back to the A.R.C.

As the team and the Minister enter the A.R.C's main hub, they see Sarah giving Danny a hug before walking away. The team teases Danny, asking when he'll ask Sarah out, much to his embarrassment, before walking away to return their gear.

Later, as the team leaves for the day, the Minister calls Michael over to speak to him, but he makes an excuse, lying that Jenny, who had taken the day off, is waiting for him in the car and leaves. As Michael leaves, the Minister watches him with suspicion before packing up the things he had brought to the A.R.C and leaving.


  • Matt Anderson
  • Connor Temple
  • Abby Maitland
  • Captain Hilary Becker
  • Emily Merchant
  • Jess Parker (Extended Cameo)
  • Sarah Page (Extended Cameo)
  • Danny Quinn (Extended Cameo)
  • Ethan Dobrowski/Patrick Quinn (Extended Cameo)
  • Darren Lake
  • The Minister
  • Anna Legg
  • Michael Miller
  • Jenny Miller (Deleted Scene; mentioned)
  • Eve Lake (mentioned)
  • Eve's Father/Darren's Grandfather (mentioned)
  • Petrol Station Owner (only appearance; death)
  • Petrol Station Patron (only appearance; death)



  • A.R.C
  • Flat Block
  • Prehistoric Beach
  • Petrol Station


  • This episode marks the first episode since Episode 5.6 not to feature a Menagerie creature
  • This is the only Series 7 episode not to features James Lester and Elizabeth Carter

