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Episode 7.7 is the seventh and final episode of the seventh season of Primeval.


A mysterious creature wreaks havoc in the present after an anomaly opens near a rural village. Meanwhile, Danny and Kieran are sent to search for Jack and Darren as the second Matt prepares to kill them. Will they find them before time runs out?


The episode opens with everyone on the team, except for Elizabeth, in Lester's office. Jess goes over where Jack and Darren might be located at, to which Lester decides to send a team to the location to investigate. However, before he can assign someone to lead the operation, the anomaly detector goes off. Jess hurries over to the ADD and locates the anomaly, and while the team gears up, Lester assigns Danny and Kieran to go to the warehouse Jack and Darren are supposedly being held at and investigate. Danny and Kieran agree and grab their black boxes before leaving for the warehouse.

Meanwhile, in a rural village, villagers are preparing for a holiday festival when a large, white bipedal ape (Yeti) suddenly attacks and kills a man in broad daylight. The sudden appearance of the mysterious ape and the brutality of the killing sends everyone into a panic as they run for their lives.

Meanwhile, at the warehouse, the Minister and Elizabeth arrive to find the warehouse being packed up. They ask the second Matt what is going on, to which he tells them that they'll be burning the warehouse down with Jack and Darren inside. Noticing the two giving him strange looks, he mentions that Ethan came up with the idea and that the A.R.C will no doubt have traced Darren's phone to the warehouse after the incident from a few days ago. The Minister then asks where they'll go, to which the second Matt tells him that they'll be moving to another base that they had set up a while back. They then head up to the room Jack and Darren are being held in, where they order two guards to tie them up and blindfold them.

Meanwhile, at the village, the team arrive and try to locate the anomaly. However, they are quickly attacked by what looks like a Yeti, prompting Becker and Eve to fire their EMDs at it. After taking several EMD chargest to the chest, the Yeti flees. Matt orders the team to secure the perimeter as Connor, Abby, and Emily locate the anomaly. However, as Connor is about to lock the anomaly, an inquisitive Gigantopithecus comes through. Mistaking it as another Yeti, the team fire their EMDs at it, scaring it and causing it to go back through the anomaly.

Later, after locking the anomaly and searching the nearby fields, the team regroups and Matt turns to Connor for an explanation on the Yeti. Connor says he believes that the team is dealing with a futuristic creature, as nothing resembling the Yeti exists in the fossil record. However, Abby points out that the Gigantopithecus is from the past, which puzzles Connor since he has no explanation why there was a Gigantopithecus earlier. Matt tells Connor that an explanation is not important and that their priority is capturing the Yeti. However, as he's about to tell the team to split up, they are attacked by the Yeti. They scatter and in the chaos, the Yeti destroys the anomaly locking device, causing the anomaly to unlock. As the Yeti goes through the anomaly, Eve's keys falls out of her pockets and is sucked through the anomaly. Eve goes after her keys, prompting Becker, Anna, Ryan, and Connor to go after her. As they exit the anomaly, they find themselves in a snowy forest and Eve staring off into the distance. They join her side and notice the town she's staring at, to which Connor realizes that something's wrong, as Gigantopithecus don't live in the present or in snowy forests. Suddenly, they hear a scream and runs towards it, only to find another Yeti holding a hunter by the throat. Anna and Ryan try to knock the Yeti out with their EMDs, but its fur dampens the effects of the EMD charges, and they can only helplessly watch as the Yeti kills the hunter by snapping its neck. After killing the man, the Yeti turns its attention to the five A.R.C field agents, prompting them to head back to the anomaly. They return to present-day Britain and warn the others to lock the anomaly before the Yeti comes through. Abby quickly locks the anomaly with the spare anomaly locking device and everyone lets out a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, at the warehouse, Jack and Darren are now tied up together and blindfolded. As the second Matt, Elizabeth, and the Minister oversee the last of their equipment being packed, Ethan joins them and reports that all of their escape vehicles are ready to go. The second Matt smiles at the news before ordering everybody to get out of the building and Ethan and two soldiers to get a fire going. Ethan and the two soldiers grab some paper, wood, and gasoline and once everything is set, Ethan lights a match on fire and tosses it toward the pile of wood and paper. As the fire engulfed pile of wood and paper, Ethan locks the door behind him and tosses the key away before rejoining the others at the getaway vans. Meanwhile, inside the warehouse, as the fire begins to spread, Jack tells Darren that he smells smoke and the pair realize that the building is on fire. They then began to panic before crying for help.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away, Danny and Kieran drive up to the warehouse, but as they near it, they notice smoke coming out of the broken windows of the warehouse. As they park outside of the warehouse, Danny calls Jess to send a backup unit to the warehouse before he and Kieran rush over to the door. However, they find it locked, but thankfully, Kieran spots the key Ethan had tossed aside earlier and unlocks the door. Danny then busts the door down cop-style before he and Kieran enter and begin to call Jack and Darren's names. They hear the boys' faint cries and while Danny runs to their location, Kieran finds a fire extinguisher and grabs it before trying his best to put out the fire. Meanwhile, Danny locates Jack and Darren in one of the rooms and untie their binds and blindfolds. Once they are freed, the boys follow Danny back to Kieran, who is beginning to lose against the fire before all four of them exit the warehouse. As they back away from the burning warehouse, Jess calls Danny, informing him that backup is unavailable, since the incursion team has found another Yeti and need backup. Danny tells her that he and Kieran already rescued the boys so there's no need to send backup before telling her that they're heading back to drop them off for treatment. However, as Jess hangs up, Jack and Darren refuse to go back to the A.R.C and begs Danny and Kieran to let them go the incursion site. After some back-and-forth arguing, Danny gives up and allows the two to come with him and Kieran. As they head for the anomaly site, Danny informs Jess that "there's been a change in plans."

Meanwhile, back at the A.R.C, the Minister and Elizabeth walk into the hub and are greeted by Lester, who asks them about how the meeting the former supposedly had to attend to went. The Minister and Elizabeth lie and tell Lester that the meeting went smoothly before Jess walks over and tells Lester that Danny and Kieran had rescued Jack and Darren. As Lester pulls Jess away to talk about it in the privacy of his office, the Minister and Elizabeth give each other a worried look before the former phones the second Matt.

Back at the incursion site, Danny, Kieran, Darren, and Jack arrive and park beside the other A.R.C SUVs before joining the others, who were devising a plan to capture the Yeti. Upon seeing Jack and Darren, Eve and Abby become emotional and hug them. However, the atmosphere is ruined when the Yeti the team is trying to capture attacks them. Everybody scrambles for cover as the Yeti bashes one of the SUVs before Becker fires his Type 4 EMD at it at full power. He manages to stun the Yeti for a few seconds before the effects wear off and the Yeti retreats into the village. As the team regroups, Connor locates and identifies the town he, Becker, Eve, Anna, and Ryan saw to as Petawawa, Ontario, which sits along the Ottowa River near the southern border of Quebec. He also finds a nuclear power plant several miles north of the town and theorizes that the Yetis were originally Gigantopithecus that were somehow exposed to radioactive waste and mutated into the aggressive, territorial killers they are. With this theory, Matt decides that the Yetis are too big of a threat and that all of them must be killed on sight, citing the EMD's ineffectiveness against the Yetis, as demonstrated earlier with Becker's Type 4 EMD. Becker gets ecstatic about using actual firearms again and as he and several Special Forces soldiers head back to the A.R.C to get the guns used during the Burrowing Insect incursion, a scream coming from the village pierces through the air, prompting the rest of the team to investigate. In the village, the team finds a Yeti menacingly approaching a woman, who had returned to the village to retrieve some of her things, despite the area being closed off to the public, and can only watch as the Yeti grabs the woman by the throat before snapping her neck, killing her. As the Yeti drops the woman's lifeless body and roars, the team heads back to the SUVs to formulate a plan.

Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location, the Minister and Elizabeth enter a room, where the second Matt and Ethan are waiting for them. The second Matt asks them what the bad news they mentioned in the phone call, to which the Minister tells him that the plan failed and Jack and Darren are still alive. Shocked, the second Matt askes how they survived, to which Elizabeth tells him that Danny and Kieran rescued them. The second Matt asks how they were able to find them, to which Elizabeth tells him that Jess must have found them through Darren's phone, which she didn't think would work. The second Matt exclaims in anger as Ethan, the Minister, and Elizabeth watches on.

Back at the incursion site, Matt, Emily, Connor, Abby, and Jack, who are going through the anomaly to exterminate the remaining Yetis in Canada, gear up with some of the guns Becker had brought before entering the anomaly. Upon exiting on the other side, Matt ask Connor where the nuclear facility is, as the likelihood of encountering a Yeti would be higher there, to which Connor directs him to the northwest. They head in the direction Connor said the power plant is, marking their trail as they walk through the snow before they stumble across a Yeti. It attacks them, prompting them to open fire on it. They mortally wound the Yeti, which stumbles backwards from the force of the bullets, and cracks its head open on a rock, killing it for good. After making sure the Yeti is dead, Matt tells his team to continue forward until they come across a clearing, where they find several Gigantopithecus, Yetis, and the anomaly they originally came through. They then hide behind the slope of the hill and begin to hatch a plan.

Back in present-day England, Becker, Kieran, Anna, Ryan, Eve, Darren, Danny, and Sarah are sweeping the village for any more Yetis when they hear screaming. They head toward the direction the came from and spot a Yeti dropping a dead woman as a boy and a girl cower before it. As the Yeti is about to grab the kids, Anna catches the Yeti's attention before firing her pistol at it. Enraged, the Yeti lunges for her, but Becker fires his shotgun while it was in mid-jump and kills the Yeti. With the Yeti dead, the team hurries over to check on the two kids. However, the two kids quickly run away, frightened and traumatized from the ordeal, prompting the team to chase after them.

Meanwhile, in present-day Canada, Matt and his team ambush the Gigantopithecus troop, taking out the Yetis first before herding the normal Gigantopithecuses toward the anomaly. While three of the Yetis manage to escape, the rest are slaughtered and the gunfire scares the Gigantopithecuses back through the anomaly. With all creatures where they belong, Matt decides to take a peek through the anomaly, where he sees several adult Gigantopithecus eating bamboo while several juveniles play with each other. The others follow him through and are amazed at the sight. However, Emily notices that the anomaly is beginning to close and warns the others, who follow her back through. With one final look, Matt follows the others back to present-day Canada and not a moment after he had exited from the anomaly, it closes. With their job all but finished, they start to head back to the original anomaly. However, they are suddenly attacked by one of the Yetis, prompting everyone to run away. Once they have made some distance between them and the Yeti, Abby notices that Connor is missing. They look around for Connor, retracing their steps back to the clearing. Upon returning to the clearing, they see a trail of blood in the snow and follow it.

They track the blood trail to a cave, where they spot the Yeti dragging Connor into it. Matt tells Emily, Abby, and Jack to stay outside, in case there's another Yeti, while he goes in after Connor. Emily and Abby reluctantly agree and Matt enters the cave, where he sees the Yeti about to kill Connor. He gets the Yeti's attention before shooting it several times, allowing Connor to run towards him, but as they run out of the cave, the Yeti attacks them, knocking them to the ground. As it towers over them, ready to kill them, Abby, Emily, and Jack unload their guns' magazines into the Yeti, killing it. They then help Matt and Connor up before heading back to the original anomaly. Once they return to England, they lock the anomaly before heading back into the village to help the others.

Meanwhile, Becker's team is struggling to keep track of the boy and girl, who keep taking shortcuts to throw them off their tail. However, as they round a street corner, the boy and girl run into the path of another Yeti. The girl manages to run away toward Becker's team, but the boy trips and falls to the ground. Anna rushes over to the boy as the Yeti towers over him, and just as it is about to kill him, Anna pushes the boy out of the way, taking the full brunt of the Yeti's fist. The Yeti's punch sends Anna flying through the air, to the horror of the rest of the team. Anna violently hits the ground and while Sarah, Eve, Darren, and Ryan rush over to tend to her, Kieran, Danny, and Becker open fire on the Yeti, killing it. As they herd the boy and girl away, Matt's team arrives and are horrified at the sight of Anna laying on the ground as Sarah, Eve, and Ryan tell her to stay away, as she tells them to take her to the A.R.C. They rush over and call for a medic while Becker orders two soldiers to herd the children away.

Meanwhile, at the second Matt's new base, the second Matt tries to come up with a plan to eliminate Jack and Darren, but is unable to, while Ethan, Elizabeth, and the Minister watches on. Despite several ideas from Ethan and Elizabeth being tossed around, none of them satisfies the second Matt. As he exclaims in anger again, the Minister receives a phone call and answers it. When he finishes and hangs up, he tells them that the A.R.C called and that Anna has been mortally injured and isn't expected to survive. The second Matt allows the Minister and Elizabeth to leaves. The Minister and Elizabeth hastily exit the room and once they're gone, the second Matt slams his hand onto the table in anger as Ethan watches on.

Back at the A.R.C, Anna is wheeled into the A.R.C infirmary, despite the medics' suggestion to take her to the hospital, with everyone, including Jess, Lester, and the Millers, following her in, except for Abby and Connor, who have gone to retrieve Rex, Sid, and Nancy upon Anna's request. As Abby and Connor return with Rex, Sid, and Nancy, the Minister and Elizabeth arrive. Anna weakly greets and pets Rex, Sid, and Nancy and says how much she loves seeing them every day when she stops by the Menagerie. She then turns to the others and tell them how much she loved her job and that she loves everyone. She then turns to Lester and tearily asks him to tell her husband and children that she loves. Lester agrees and thanks her for her contribution to the A.R.C's operation. Anna gives him a weak smile before succumbing to her injuries. Once Anna is dead, everyone mourns for her passing, with Abby and Jess seeking the comfort of Connor and Becker's arms, Danny doing his best to comfort Sarah, the Millers, Matt, Emily, Eve, and Darren comforting each other, and Ryan, Kieran, and Jack shedding silent tears. Meanwhile, Lester remains stoic but is visibly affected by Anna's death and her final request, Rex, Sid, and Nancy play around Anna's death bed, and the Minister and Elizabeth remain indifferent.

A few days later, everyone is attending Anna's funeral. As everyone pays their respects to Anna, Darren and Jack hang out by several headstones. Darren asks if they should tell the others about Elizabeth and the Minister's treachery, but Jack tells him that they should hold off on it since everyone is still mourning. Darren agrees to Jack's suggestion and they continue to stare into the holding pens. Little do they know, however, Elizabeth had been spying on them. Knowing that her and the Minister's secret is still safe, she walks away with a smile and rendezvous with the Minister and the second Matt. She tells them that their secret is safe for now and that they still have enough time of the plan to work. The second Matt is pleased with the news and tells her and the Minister that, in time, his plan will come to fruition. He then takes his leave while the Minister and Elizabeth rejoin the others at Anna's grave.


  • Matt Anderson
  • Connor Temple
  • Abby Maitland
  • Emily Merchant
  • Jess Parker
  • James Lester
  • Captain Hilary Becker
  • Danny Quinn
  • Ethan Dobrowski/Patrick Quinn
  • Jack Maitland
  • Jenny Miller (Extended Cameo)
  • Michael Miller (Extended Cameo)
  • Kieran Coles
  • Ryan Becker
  • Anna Legg (latest appearance; death)
  • Eve Lake
  • Darren Lake
  • Dr Elizabeth Carter
  • The Minister
  • Sarah Page
  • Male Villager (only appearance; death)
  • Canadian Hunter (only appearance; death)
  • Female Villager (only appearance; death)
  • Mother (only apperance; death)
  • Boy (only appearance)
  • Girl (only appearance)
  • Mr. Legg (only appearance)
  • Anna's eldest daughter (only appearances)
  • Anna's youngest daughter (only appearance)
  • Anna's son (only appearance)
  • Anna's father (only appearance)
  • Anna's mother (only appearance)



  • A.R.C
  • A.R.C Infirmary
  • Unidentified Rural Village
  • Unidentified Rural Fields
  • Canadian Forest
  • Petawawa, Ontario
  • Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories facility
  • Pleistocene Chinese Forest
  • Abandoned Warehouse
  • Unidentified Church and Graveyard

Cancelled Story Idea[]

Originally, the episode was planned to entirely set around the team trying to find and Jack and Darren. However, the producers felt that the story wouldn't work without a creature incursion, so the script was changed to include Gigantopithicus. The idea of mutant Gigantopithecuses was added later when one of the writers expressed interest in continuing the cryptid trend from the previous episode. When Jennifer Huva, the actress of Anna Legg, announced her departure from the show, the script was changed to include her character's death.


  • It is unknown which species of Gigantopithecus appeared in the episode, but it was most likely G. blacki.
    • This is now the most definitive answer, since G. bilaspurensis is now synonymized with Indopithecus, a close relative of Gigantopithecus from Miocene India
  • This was the final episode to feature Anna Legg.

