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Episode 7.1 is the first episode to the seventh season of Primeval.


After the Camo Beast incursion in the Menagerie, the Minister arrives to talk about improving the Menagerie and introduces Dr Elizabeth Carter to the A.R.C team. Meanwhile, the team deals with several incursions from the future.


An anomaly opens up at a warehouse near a harbour and a Megopteran comes through. A worker hears it and goes to investigate. However, he is attacked and killed by the Megopteran, who drags his body through some corridors. Meanwhile, another anomaly opens up by the harbour, and a pack of scouting Mer Creatures, along with their Queen, exits the anomaly.

At the A.R.C, Becker, who is revealed to have survived the Camo Beast attack, sustaining only non-life-threatening injuries, is talking to Jack, who has just been given the green light to leave, before the latter heads out of the medical bay. In the main hub, Lester gives the Minister a tour around the A.R.C and is about to take him to his office when the anomaly detector goes off. Jess informs the field team about the two anomalies down by the docks and the team, except for Becker, head down there to deal with the anomalies.

As the team heads out, Lester takes the Minister into his office, where they discuss plans for the A.R.C. The Minister tells Lester that the A.R.C has a £100 million budget for the year and that he thinks Lester can use it to cover most of, if not, all of the expenses of refurbishing the Menagerie, with plenty of money remaining to cover additional upgrades and other costs. Lester says that's a good idea before the Minister tells him that he has found and hired a new member, named Elizabeth Carter, a biologist who had just left her job as a professor at a university, to the team. Lester inquires more about what Dr Carter specializes in and the Minister tells him that she primarily researches on phylogeny (aka animal diversification) and is very knowledgable in the taxonomic relationships creatures have to each other. Lester isn't sure about hiring Dr Carter, but the Minister convinces him that she is a perfect hire, telling him that she will help keep a good record of every creature the team encounters.

Meanwhile, at the docks, Matt splits the team up, with Connor taking Jack, Darren, Jenny, and Abby to deal with the warehouse anomaly while everyone else staying with Matt to deal with the harbour anomaly. Connor's group locates the factory anomaly, but before they can set up the locking device, a Future Eagle comes through and almost crashes into Abby. They try to knock it out, but the Future Eagle flees by flying out a window, breaking the window in the process. Darren locks the anomaly before they go after the Eagle. Down at the harbour, Matt's group is walking toward where the anomaly is when Connor tells them through the comms about the Future Eagle. Matt tells him to find it as soon as possible before seeing a fishing boat returning to the harbour. However, as the fishermen on board prepare to dock, the Mer Queen breaches the water and slams her body into the boat, causing it to sink. Matt's group quickly rush over, but can only watch in horror and terror as the Mer Queen pulls all of the fishermen underwater and kills them.

Back at the A.R.C, the Minister shows Lester his ideas for the Menagerie overhaul. He proposes that the enclosures are to be upgraded to simulate the environments of all of the creatures' home period, a state-of-the-art feeding and drinking system, and a reinforced, windowed roof, with lead window covers, to allow sunlight to enter and protect the Menagerie from gamma rays if another Future Beetle incursion were to ever happen in the A.R.C again. Lester comments that Abby will be pleased with these upgrades before a woman opens the door and peeks in. The woman is revealed to be Elizabeth, and the Minister tells her to come in before introducing her and Lester to each other.

Back at the harbour, Connor's group had regrouped with Matt's group. While they wait around for a new plan, Abby pulls Jenny aside and tells her that she and Connor have finalized the date of their wedding, which is approximately in two months time, and Jenny congratulates her before telling Abby that she will give her all the necessary tips when the wedding comes around. As Matt calls everyone over to discuss the new plan, the Megopteran suddenly flies out one of the warehouse windows and attacks the team. The team fires their EMDs at it, but it keeps dodging it. However, before it can strike anyone down, a siren from the nearby container port sounds, attracting the Megopteran and causing it to fly away. With the Megopteran on the loose, Matt makes minor changes to his plan, sending Michael and Abby to find the Megopteran and Jack and Darren after the Future Eagle before assigning everyone else with him to locate the Mer Queen.

Back at the A.R.C, Becker tries to leave the medical bay, but as he's about to leave, Jess enters the medical bay is ecstatic to see Becker alive and well, running over to him and hugging him. She tells him that she thought he was dead when the Camouflage Beast attacked him and Becker reassures her that he "won't go down too easily." At the same time, the two are leaning in and are about to kiss each other when Lester interrupts them by walking in with Elizabeth, causing Jess to let go of Becker. He shows Elizabeth the medical bay before introducing her to Becker and Jess. They say their hellos and Lester explains Becker and Jess' roles to Elizabeth before leaving the medical bay. As they leave, Lester turns around and tells them to not kiss in front of him while he's giving someone a tour next time, much to their embarrassment, before leaving the medical bay. He then resumes the tour and takes Elizabeth to her lab and office, where he wraps up his tour. Elizabeth thanks Lester for the tour and Lester takes his leave. However, after Lester leaves Elizabeth in her new office, she drops her fake smile, opens her new work laptop, pulls up all of the A.R.C's research and data on anomalies, and begins to download it to an external disk drive.

Back at the harbour, Jack and Darren are looking for the Future Eagle, after having spotted it and losing it by the container port, when the Future Eagle ambushes them. It pins Jack to the ground and tries to peck him, but Jack keeps moving his head out of the way as he tries to push the Eagle off of him. Darren tries to get the Eagle off of Jack by shooting it with his EMD, but he misses and the charge ricochets off of a cargo container and hits him, knocking him out. As the Eagle continues to attack him, Jack screams for help.

Meanwhile, on the nearby beach that is scarcely populated, Ryan, Kieran, Anna, and Eve are searching for the Mer Queen when it attacks and grabs a boy off of a pier, causing everyone to run away. The four try to stop the Mer Queen, but it dives back underwater, just as Danny, Emily, Matt, and Connor arrive on the scene.

Back at the containers, Michael, who had split from Abby to cover more ground in their search for the Megopteran, hears Jack's screams and finds him, Darren, and the Eagle. He quickly scares the Future Eagle away with his EMD. He helps Jack up and they wake Darren up. Darren, who is suffering from the side effects of the EMD charge, is unable to stand on his own, and Michael and Jack bring him back to the cars to get checked on by a medic. A short while later, everyone regroups at the beach, and discuss how they should find the Mer Queen. Connor recalls the time a Mer Creature had taken Abby and says they must be keeping the boy somewhere similar. With this information, he calls Jess through the comms to locate any sewer systems nearby.

In the Menagerie viewing deck, the Minister looks over the creatures and is joined by Lester. The Minister points out which enclosures should be given the overhaul first while Rex, Sid, and Nancy happily eat from the food bowls behind them.

Back at the beach, the team begins to look for the sewer entrance while Jess tries to pinpoint the exact location of the sewer when they are attacked by the Megopteran. However, when it hears the container port sirens again, it begins to fly away. Abby, Connor, and Danny try to shoot it down, but it gets away. Matt sends Kieran, Michael, Ryan, and some A.R.C soldiers after it. As Kieran, Michael, Ryan, and some A.R.C soldiers run after the Megopteran, Jess pinpoints the sewer system's entrance. The team locates the entrance and investigate it, but a Mer Creature suddenly pops out from the sewer tunnel and attacks them. Matt and Emily quickly knock it out and Matt asks Connor about what they know about the Mer Creatures. Connor tells him about Cutter's theory of the Mers being the descendants of humans, due to their intelligence and primate features, but before he can finish, the team is attacked by the Future Eagle, which grabs Connor and tries to carry him away. However, it is swiftly knocked out by Anna, and it falls into the water. Abby checks on the Eagle, only to find out that the EMD charge had killed it. Matt sends Darren, Eve, Jack, and two soldiers to get the Eagle's body back to the warehouse anomaly before he and the rest of the team enters the sewers. They navigate through the sewer tunnels, and with Jess' help, they find the boy in a flood cistern, which is capped off with a grill. They try to rescue the boy, but before they can get the grill off, a Mer Creature attacks the boy. The team frantically tries to get the grill off and just as they get it off, the Mer Creature drags the boy underwater to his death.

Meanwhile, at the warehouse anomaly site, Darren unlocks the anomaly, allowing Eve, Jack, and the soldiers to push the Eagle's body back through, before noticing it beginning to fade. Wasting no time, he locks it before coming up with an idea to lure the Megoteran in and tells Eve to get the laptop, explaining his plan to her. She gets the laptop from the car and after finding the right sound, they begin playing a siren similar to the container port sirens. This attracts the Megopteran, who flies to the warehouse. Darren unlocks the anomaly as it flies through the broken window and it goes back through the anomaly, which closes moments later.

Back at the A.R.C, Elizabeth enters the Menagerie and finds the Minister and Lester in the viewing deck. She asks to have a small word with the Minister and pulls him aside before asking about her pay. The Minister reassures her that he will speak to Lester about it before going back to him. With this, Elizabeth heads back to her lab.

Back in the flood cistern, the team hears the siren Eve played, and the vibrations caused by the siren irritates the Mer Creatures, causing them to get out of the water. As the Mer Creatures hop out, Matt orders the team to shoot each one and they easily take out all of the smaller Mer Creatures. However, when the Mer Queen comes out of the water, it takes multiple EMD charges and multiple power cells to take it down. Once all of the Mer Creatures had been taken out, the team starts the long process of transporting them back through the harbour anomaly, where they are all sent back. Once all of the Mer Creatures had been sent back through the anomaly, the anomaly closes and everyone returns to the A.R.C.

Back at the A.R.C, Becker calls Jess aside to talk about what happened back at the medical bay and apologizes for almost kissing her. However, Jess tells him that he did nothing wrong and that she didn't mind before telling him about her long-time crush on him before they kiss each other. However, just as they kiss each other, everyone enters the main hub and are shocked at the sight of Becker and Jess kissing each other. As the field team begins to tease Becker and Jess about the kiss, Lester arrives with the Minister in tow and playfully scolds the two for public display of affection. Jess heads back to the anomaly detector, obviously flustered by the situation, while everyone continues to tease Becker. Lester apologizes for the scene as he escorts the Minister to the elevator, to which the Minister brushes it off, telling him that it isn't a problem, before taking his leave, promising to return on a later date.

Later, in Matt's office, Matt and Emily talk about the mission and the boy they couldn't save before talking about the second Matt, wondering why he appeared. Just then, the second Matt appears behind them and tells them why he has appeared. He tells them that an alternative timeline was created when Matt stopped New Dawn and that he [Matt] must suffer the consequences of his actions before revealing that Matt had created another future similar to the Sterile Earth future. Matt asks how he can stop it, to which the second Matt tells him that if he can get ahold of the anomaly opening device he found at the greenhouse incursion, then he can go back and stop himself from making the alternate timeline into a reality.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth exits her laboratory and enters a storage room next to her lab before making a call to someone. The mysterious person picks up and Elizabeth informs them that she got data-mined everything from the A.R.C files, to which her contact says that everything will fall into place. However, little does the contact know, Jack had overheard everything and he quickly leaves. Unbeknownst to him, however, Elizabeth already knew about his presence in the room.


  • Matt Anderson
  • Connor Temple
  • Abby Maitland
  • Jess Parker
  • Captain Hilary Becker
  • Emily Merchant
  • James Lester
  • Danny Quinn
  • Jack Maitland
  • Jenny Miller
  • Michael Miller
  • Kieran Coles
  • Ryan Backer
  • Anna Legg
  • Eve Lake
  • Darren Lake
  • The Minister (First Physical Appearance)
  • Dr Elizabeth Carter (First Appearance)
  • Second Matt Anderson
  • Warehouse Worker (Only Appearance, deceased)
  • Unnamed Boy (Only Appearance, deceased)
  • Fisherman 1 (Only Appearance, deceased)
  • Fisherman 2 (Only Appearance, deceased)



  • A.R.C
  • A.R.C Menagerie
  • A.R.C Medical Bay
  • Elizabeth's Lab
  • Harbour
  • Harbour Warehouse
  • Beach
  • Container Port
  • Storm Sewer System


  • The CGI model of the Haast's Eagle from Episode 7.3 is used in this episode for the Future Eagle, with minor adjustments made to make it look unique.

