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Episode 8.13 is the thirteenth episode of eighth and final season of Primeval. It is also the second part of the Series 8 finale, and the final overall episode of Primeval.


It has begun. The Firm's plan has finally come to fruition. As anomalies begin to open across all of London, the A.R.C team must race against time to save Matt, Claudia, and the children, and stop the Firm as London slowly becomes a prehistoric playground. Will the team succeed in containing the creature invasion and stop the Firm, or will the Firm win and destroy the A.R.C team once and for all?


The episode opens where Episode 8.12 had left off, with the A.R.C frantically trying to find an escape route as the bomb's timer reaches zero. However, once the timer reaches zero, a powerful pulse blasts through the air, shattering all of the windows of the abandoned house. Confused, the A.R.C team returns to the basement, where they find out that the bomb was just a ruse, and that it was really hiding a small device that Connor is unable to identify. Suddenly, Lester's cellphone begins to ring, prompting him to pick up, and to the team's surprise, the caller is the third Matt. Lester lays into the third Matt upon picking up before the latter explains his actions to the team, revealing that he's secretly working against the Firm, as he doesn't agree with the second Matt's goal of killing Matt and destroying the A.R.C nor his methods of achieving that goal. Furious, Emily asks him about his stunt back at the National Gallery, to which the third Matt explains that he had to play the role of the bad guy if he wanted to destroy the Firm from the inside. While Lester wants the third Matt to give him a more detailed explanation, the third Matt is unable to grant him his request, as he's needed again, but he promises to relay them information when he gets the chance to. He then bids them goodbye and good luck, as they are up against a big challenge in the coming hours.

Once the third Matt hangs up, the team is immediately contacted by Jess, who informs them of multiple anomalies opening across London, with one being located just outside of the house they're at. The team heads outside and into the abandoned house's garden, where they are immediately attacked by a Haast's Eagle. The eagle goes for Darren, who is able to dodge the incoming attack in time, before being scared off by Jack, who was just discharged from the hospital and rushed over to help the team upon returning to the A.R.C. As he gives the team an update on Sarah's condition (awake but on bed rest at the A.R.C), the Haast's Eagle comes in for another attack. However, the sudden appearance of a Giant Moa, which had exited from the anomaly, quickly catches its attention and it tries to attack it. With the eagle distracted, Lester tells the team that they must split up to quickly deal with one of the eight anomalies around the city before heading back to the SUVs with a Special Forces squad. As Lester is making his way back to the SUVs, Becker splits the field team into five teams, with Team 1 consisting of Eve, Darren, and Jack, Team 2 consisting of Connor, Abby, and Emily, Team 3 consisting of Evan, Dylan, and Kieran, Team 4 consisting of Danny, Caroline, and Ryan, and Team 5 consisting of himself and the Millers. While Teams 1, 3, and 5 head off to deal with the seven other anomalies scattered around London, Team 4 stays behind to deal with the Giant Moa and the Haast's Eagle while Team 2 is left in charge of dealing with the Firm.

Meanwhile, at the Firm's base, Matt and Claudia sit limply in the chairs as Elizabeth watches Professor Windsor typing away on the futuristic computer. She asks him what was the goal of the entire experiment, to which Professor Windsor tells her that the goal of the entire experiment was to merge the original timeline with their timeline and several other alternate timelines, which he believes will permanently erase the original Matt from existence. Elizabeth gives the disgraced professor an unsettled look before Matt and Claudia's groans catches her attention. As the two come around, Professor Windsor tells Elizabeth to give Matt the antidote to the substance (revealed to be poison) he was injected with before taking some samples from them. Elizabeth complies and while she is taking samples from Matt and Claudia, Matt tells her that the A.R.C will stop them. However, Professor Windsor laughs at his hopefulness, telling Matt that the second Matt will make sure that doesn't happen before giving Elizabeth a syringe, telling her to inject Matt with another dose of poison, as he needs to take another trial. Elizabeth complies and after injecting Matt with a second dose of poison, she leaves Windsor's lab as he resumes his experiment.

Meanwhile, at a nursery, a woman runs for her life from a Therocephalian, but as she rounds the corner of the hallway, she trips and falls to the ground, allowing the creature to catch up. It bites her in the leg before lunging for her throat. However, before it can rip her throat out, Eve, Darren, and Jack (Team 1) arrive on the scene and take out the Therocephalian. While Darren keeps his EMD trained on the unconscious animal, Eve and Jack check on the woman. However, to their dismay, the Therocephalian's venom is beginning to take effect on the woman. While Jack applies a tourniquet to the woman's leg, Eve tries to look for salt in their medical kit (something implemented into all A.R.C team medical kits after the McKinnon School Incursion from Episode 4.4), but to her horror, there is no salt in the medical kit. The woman, through her laboured breaths, tells them that there's salt in the staff break room and gives Jack the direction to it. As Jack runs off to grab the salt, Darren decides to head off to the anomaly site to lock the anomaly and send the Therocephalian back. Eve tells Darren to stay safe before trying to keep the woman awake for as long as possible. A moment later, Jack returns with the salt and pours it onto the woman's wound. With the woman's wounds treated as best as possible, the two bring her outside, where medics rush her to the hospital. Darren joins them a moment later and informs them that the anomaly has been locked. Eve then orders two Special Forces soldiers to keep an eye on the anomaly while they head off to deal with another anomaly.

Meanwhile, at a car park, Becker and the Millers (Team 5) arrive on the scene and immediately find a dead body. They are quick to deduce that the culprit is a Raptor and begin to search the premise. However, as they head to the anomaly site, Jenny hears a footstep behind them and looks behind her, only to see a pair of Raptors standing behind them. She alerts Michael and Becker of their presence, but before they can be dealt with, three more Raptors appear and surround them. A standoff ensues, but Becker and the Millers are quick to attack, taking out four of the Raptors. Meanwhile, the remaining Raptor tries to flee, after seeing its pack mates fall so quickly, but is quickly neutralized by Becker. With the Raptors neutralized, Becker, Michael, and Jenny proceed to the anomaly site, where they lock it before reporting to Jess, with Becker suggesting that the A.R.C's Raptor be brought down to the anomaly site so that it can return to its home. Jess tells him that she'll arrange a truck to drive the A.R.C's Raptor down to their location before giving them a new anomaly to deal with. With everything taken care of, Becker, Michael, and Jenny head back to the Raptor pack's location to send them back through the anomaly.

Meanwhile, at the Firm's base, Connor, Abby, and Emily (Team 2) arrive and take out the guards on duty before heading inside. However, as they sneak through the Firm's base, they are caught on camera by Sherice, who informs the third Matt of this. The third Matt reluctantly tells her to remotely release one of their captured Gorgonopsids on them before excusing himself. Meanwhile, Connor, Abby, and Emily take down another guard before Emily receives notification from her phone. Checking it, she is surprised to see a text from the third Matt, alerting them of the Gorgonopsid heading their way and telling them to hide. They are just barely able to hide from the Gorgonopsid, which gets distracted by the guard they had taken out. However, after investigating the unconscious guard, the Gorgonopsid gets a whiff of their scent and begins to hunt them. It then becomes a game of cat-and-mouse, with Abby, Connor, and Emily evading the Gorgonopsid until they run into it. The Gorgonopsid attacks them, forcing the three to run back the way they came, as their EMDs aren't strong enough to take it down. They eventually end up back outside, where Abby spots an oncoming cargo train and grabs the Gorgonopsid's attention. The Gorgonopsid goes after her, but right before it can attack her, she jumps out of the train's way and the Gorgonopsid is hit by the train. Paralyzed and mortally wounded, the Gorgonopsid is put out of its misery by Abby while Emily and Connor talk to the train's conductor. Once everything had been dealt with, the three decide to infiltrate the Firm's base once the others have finished dealing with the anomalies around town.

Meanwhile, Evan, Dylan, and Kieran (Team 3) arrive at a self-storage warehouse, where there is a supposed fire. The three enter, after Kieran explains who they are to the firefighters and they head to the anomaly site with several firefighters (one of them being Firewoman Cooper from Episode 2.2) as backup. Once inside, Evan locates the anomaly in one of the self-storage units and prepares the firefighters for anything. Upon opening the self-storage unit, sulphureous gas begins to flood the hallway as multiple Precambrian worms try to escape the storage unit. However, they are quickly killed by Evan, Dylan, and the firefighters while Kieran locks the anomaly. With the anomaly locked, the Precambrian worms begin to suffocate and die, but when one of the firefighters opens the window to air out the sulphureous gas, the worms begin to expand, as the temperature outside is much warmer than inside the warehouse. Dylan tells everyone to clear the area, which prompts everyone to get to cover before the Precambrian worms blow up. However, one firefighter doesn't get to cover in time and gets covered in Fog Worm gore and larvae. Fortunately, his firefighter gear prevents most of the larvae from burrowing into his flesh, though one managed to latch onto his neck. After removing the larvae from the firefighter's neck, Evan asks what they're going to do with the mess caused by the worms.

Meanwhile, Danny, Caroline, and Ryan (Team 4) arrive at Hyde Park, after handling the Haast's eagle incursion, and head straight for the anomaly site. Once they've located the anomaly, they lock it, but not a moment later, a Pteranodon swoops over their heads. While Caroline and Ryan stare at the pterosaur in awe, Danny notes the obvious issue they're going to have with capturing the Pteranodon. However, their question is answered when they see the Pteranodon chase after a jogger in a red shirt, which gives Danny an idea. Noting the Pteranodon's red crest, he tells Ryan to get a pole and something red while he and Caroline check up on the jogger. A while later, Ryan returns with a pole and a red cloth, and Danny waves it to get the Pteranodon's attention. The Pteranodon flies towards him, failing to notice the anomaly behind him, and once it gets close enough, Danny jumps out of the way while Ryan unlocks the anomaly. The Pteranodon flies through it and the anomaly is quickly locked. With the incursion taken care of, Danny, Caroline, and Ryan head to the Firm's base, after receiving word from Jess that Team 2 needs backup.

Meanwhile, Eve, Darren, and Jack (Team 1) arrive at their next anomaly site, located near a corner shop, only to come across a traffic jam. Intrigued, they exit their car and head towards the cause of the traffic jam. Upon approaching the congestion point, they spot an Iguanodon eating from one of the trees on the sidewalks without any care to the world around it. As Eve, Darren, and Jack try to figure out what to do with the Iguanodon, one of the drives gets impatient honks his car horn, which provokes the Iguanodon. The Iguanodon begins to run, damaging several cars and almost crushing Eve, Jack, and Darren. Knowing that they can't waste any time, Eve, Darren, and Jack chase after the Iguanodon, and after chasing it around the block, they manage to surround the Iguanodon and herd it back to the anomaly. With the Iguanodon dealt with, Jack rushes off to grab the anomaly locking device while Eve and Darren handles the PR mess the Iguanodon had caused them.

Meanwhile, Becker and the Millers (Team 5) arrive at one of the docks along the Thames River, as it is the closest one to the anomaly site. They use a boat to get to the anomaly site, which is easily located by the steam being produced from the warmer water flowing through the anomaly mixing with the colder Thames River, but as they reach the anomaly site, they are attacked by a Dakosaurus. Fortunately, the Dakosaurus is restricted to the area surrounding the anomaly, as that is where all of the warm water is at, but this leaves Becker and the Millers the issue of how to send the Dakosaurus back through the anomaly. They decide to lure it into the anomaly using some fish and head back to shore to buy some fish from a local grocery store. Once they had gotten the fish, they return to the anomaly site, which by now is being monitored by a squad of Special Forces soldiers, and try to lure the Dakosaurus back into the anomaly. After many close calls with the Dakosaurus, Becker, Michael, and Jenny successfully send it back through the anomaly before locking it. They then leave the Special Forces squad in charge of monitoring the anomaly while they rendezvous with the rest of the team at the Firm's base.

Later, at the Firm's base, the A.R.C team and Lester reunite and prepare to storm into the Firm's base. During this time, Emily informs the others of all of the creatures under the Firm's possession (the remaining Gorgonopsid, several Raptors, two Tree Creepers, a Kaprosuchus, and a dozen Future Predators), as told to her by the third Matt. With this information in hand, the A.R.C team and Special Forces storm into the Firm's base. Meanwhile, in the Firm's control room, Elizabeth sees the storm-in from the CCTV feed and orders Sherice to release all of the Firm's animals on the A.R.C team. While Sherice remotely releases all of the creatures, the third Matt warns the A.R.C team of the incoming danger. With all of the creatures let loose within the Firm's base, the team splits off into two large groups, with Evan, Dylan, Caroline, Ryan, Kieran, Danny, Michael, and Eve (Team 1) being tasked with locating the kidnapped children, and Lester, Becker, Emily, Connor, Abby, Jenny, Darren, and Jack (Team 2) heading towards the control room to confront the Firm.

Team 1 heads toward the holding cells, where they find the cell doors busted down or open, with the children nowhere in sight. Michael asks where they are, to which Dylan deduces that they must've escaped somehow and are somewhere in the building. However, before they can begin their search for the kidnapped children, they are then attacked by the Tree Creepers and the Kaprosuchus. However, the three animals prove no match against them as they are quickly neutralized by the team before they begin their search for the kidnapped children. Meanwhile, Team 2 is heading towards the control room when they encounter the other Gorgonopsid, which attacks and nearly catches Darren in its jaws. However, it is quickly taken out by Becker and Lester before the team continues to make their way toward the control room. They are almost at the control room when they encounter the third Matt, who greets them before telling them that the rest of the Firm, along with Matt and Claudia, are at the control room. However, he reveals that the control room is heavily guarded and that they'll need to force their way inside.

Lester reluctantly agrees to work with the third Matt before they head to the control room. Upon arriving, they're met with heavy resistance from the guards stationed in the hallway. However, they are all incapacitated by Team 2 and the third Matt, who then proceed to storm into the control room. Inside, they find Elizabeth, the Minister, Ethan, Professor Windsor, Sherice, and the second Matt waiting for them with Claudia and Matt, both. of whom are tied up and gagged. Lester orders the Firm to surrender, as they have lost. However, the second Matt laughs at Lester's threat, telling him that he has a fail-safe plan in the event the A.R.C comes close to taking the Firm down before he and Ethan pull out their pistols and shoot the third Matt, to everyone's horror. The third Matt is struck in the shoulder and arm, and while the A.R.C team tends to his wounds, the second Matt taunts the third Matt, having known about his plans to take down the Firm for a while before ordering Windsor to get them (the Firm) out of their sticky situation. Professor Windsor types something into the control room's futuristic computer before the entire control room begins to shake. Thinking that they're taking everyone down with them, Becker and Emily shoot Ethan and the second Matt before trying to grab Claudia and Matt but are only able to grab the former before getting dragged out by the others. Team 2 is barely able to make it out of the control room in time before the entire control room then dematerializes and disappears. However, once everyone had caught their breath, they turn back to look at the control room, but are surprised to find a large anomaly standing where the control room once stood at.

Meanwhile, with Team 1, they search the hallways for the kidnapped children before finding them hiding in one of the storage rooms. After making sure that all of them are alright, they proceed to escort them out of the Firm's base. However, while en route to the base's entrance, they are attacked by the Firm's Future Predators, prompting Team 1 to protect the children. However, Ryan notices one of the Predators flanking them before identifying its targets; Ellie and Tiffany. Wasting no time, Ryan puts himself between the Predator and the two girls, and is tackled onto the ground, where the Future Predator proceeds to maul him. Michael notices this and he quickly kills the Predator mauling Ryan while the remaining Future Predators either flee or are killed by Team 1. With the Predators gone, the team try to patch Ryan's wounds. However, Ryan tells them that it's too late for him and thanks them for being the greatest people he had ever worked alongside before succumbing to his wounds. The team mourns for Ryan, but knowing that they have a job to do, they put on a brave face and escort the kidnapped children outside, with Kieran handing Lucien his EMD so that he can carry Ryan's body out. Once outside, Special Forces take the kidnapped children and Ryan's body back to the A.R.C while Team 1 heads back inside to rendezvous with Team 2.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the anomaly, the control room rematerializes in a hidden base the middle of a desert. The second Matt orders Elizabeth and the Minister to check up on the base's personnel before asking Professor Windsor about his timeline experiments. Windsor reveals that he has successfully merged the timelines, which he theorizes should erase Matt from existence before revealing a small, hand-held device he had created, which he claims can separate the different timelines from each other with a click of a button. While the second Matt is displeased with the device's existence, he is pleased with how the Firm's plan had turned out. He then goes on to state that once the A.R.C team comes for Matt, they will kill them all. Suddenly, Matt breaks free from his restrains and grabs Windsor's timeline separator (which the disgraced professor had foolishly left on the table) before running away with it. The second Matt orders Ethan and Sherice to go after Matt while he tears into Professor Windsor for his foolishness & carelessness. Matt, meanwhile, evades Ethan and Sherice, and separates the timelines from each other before destroying the device and looking for a way out.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the anomaly, Team 1 rendezvous with Team 2 and the third Matt, who informs them of the situation before Jack inquires about Ryan's whereabouts. Evan, however, informs them that Ryan had died while protecting the children. Everyone on Team 2 is shocked but before they can mourn, the third Matt suggests that they go through the anomaly and defeat the Firm once and for all. Lester agrees with the third Matt (as much as he hated to admit it) before the A.R.C team and the third Matt walk through the anomaly. Once they have exited the anomaly, the third Matt takes them to the Firm's hidden desert base. They take out the guards on the outside before entering the base, where they proceed to take out any enemy guards they encounter before running into Matt. After checking up on Matt, the third Matt suggests that they should go to the power room and try to switch off the base's power. The team the heads down to the power room and the the team begins to work on shutting off the base's electric supply. However, little do they know, Elizabeth (who had returned to the control room w/ the Minister at this point) had spotted them on the CCTV feed and and has the futuristic computer send a powerful shockwave into the power room. Caroline, who was shitting off the power under Connor and Evan's supervision, is electrocuted before falling to the floor. Everyone immediately try to help her, but after several attempts to revive her with CPR, Becker tells them that she is dead. Everyone is saddened at the news, as Caroline had done her best to regain the A.R.C team's trust, but before they can fall deeper into despair, Connor and Evan continue where Caroline had left off and successfully shut the base's power off. However, little do they know, they have also unintentionally let the Firm's Future Predators into the base, after they had followed the A.R.C team through the anomaly from the Firm's old base.

Meanwhile, in the control room, the Firm tries to get the back-up generators up and running and prepare for their final confrontation with the A.R.C team. However, the second Matt is informed by several of the base's personnel that the Future Predators from the Firm's UK base have been spotted entering the base. Frustrated, the second Matt tells Professor Windsor to accompany him to the base's garage before ordering the rest of the main Firm team to hunt and kill the A.R.C team. Elizabeth, the Minister, and Sherice arm themselves with assault rifles before they, Ethan, and several Firm guards make their way down to the power room. On the way, however, they encounter some of the Future Predators, where several of the guards and the Minister are dragged off to their deaths. Sherice, Elizabeth, Ethan, and the remaining Firm guards continue on their way before encountering the A.R.C team. A tense standoff ensues, with Elizabeth ordering the A.R.C team to surrender. However, the A.R.C team refuses, prompting Elizabeth to order everyone to fire. However, before they can execute the A.R.C team, they are attacked by the Future Predators. The Future Predators proceed to maul Elizabeth, Sherice, and the Firm guards to death while Ethan is nearly killed by a Predator, had Danny not intervened.

During the chaos, the third Matt tells the A.R.C team to leave without him before heading down to the base's garage, where he finds Professor Windsor, the second Matt, and several Firm personnel preparing the Firm's tank. He sneaks his way over to the back of the tank, where he tosses a timer bomb on the tank's engine compartment before the disgraced professor spots and attacks him. However, the third Matt kills Professor Windsor with his own pistol, but as he turns to shoot the second Matt, the second Matt shoot him in the chest, mortally wounding him. As the third Matt collapses onto the ground, the second Matt taunts him, telling him that he lost before the third Matt succumbs to his wounds. With the third Matt dead, the second Matt and a tank crew hops into the tank and drives out of the garage.

Meanwhile, the A.R.C team (and an unconscious Ethan) locates the base's entrance and exits the base, where they encounter several more Future Predators and the Firm's Raptor pack. Without hesitation, the A.R.C team neutralizes and kills several of the Raptors and Future Predators. They then make a break for the anomaly, but before they can reach the anomaly, the second Matt rolls out the Firm's tank from the garage and shoots at them. Everybody scatters as the tank round hits the ground, killing off the remaining Raptors and Future Predators. While the second Matt orders the tank crew to load another tank round, Matt orders the others to run for the anomaly while he distracts the second Matt. Everyone reluctantly follows his order before running toward the anomaly. Meanwhile, Matt catches the second Matt's attention and runs back towards the desert base.

The second Matt orders the tank crew to shoot Matt and they nearly kill him. Matt, however, is barely able to avoid being blown up, but the blast sends him flying a couple of meters forward, leaving him disoriented. As Matt tries to get up, the second Matt, seeing an opportunity to kill Matt once and for all, orders the tank crew to quickly load another tank round. However, as the tank crew is loading the main gun with another tank round, the second Matt hears a beeping sound from behind him growing louder. He then realizes that the third Matt had placed a time bomb in the engine compartment, but at that point, it's already too late, as the bomb is about to detonate. The second Matt, realizing that the third Matt had succeeded, curses him before the tank blows up, killing him and the tank crew. Meanwhile, Matt gathers enough strength to get up and scurry to safety before debris and shrapnel can hit him. Once he makes it to safety, he looks back at the flaming wreckage of the Firm's tank. With the second Matt dead, and the Firm defeated, Matt takes a moment to catch his breath before heading back to the anomaly, where he takes one last look at the tank and the Firm's desert base before going through the anomaly.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the anomaly, the A.R.C team nervously awaits for Matt's return. Emily, growing worried, decides to go back through the anomaly. However, before she can go through, Matt exits the anomaly, which closes shortly afterward. While the team welcomes Matt back to the present, Lester asks Matt if the second Matt is dead, which Matt confirms he is. Satisfied, Lester tells the A.R.C team that they did a good job and that Caroline and Ryan's deaths weren't in vain. With that, the A.R.C team heads back outside, where a squad of Special Forces soldiers takes a now-awake Ethan into custody. Meanwhile, Darren, who had been carrying Caroline's body, allows the Special Forces medical team to handle Caroline's body before he and the rest of the A.R.C team head back to the A.R.C.

Later, at the A.R.C, the team is debriefed before being dismissed. As everyone heads off to their respective stations, Danny heads to the infirmary to visit Sarah. He enters the infirmary, passing by several of the rescued children before finding Sarah busy working on her laptop. Danny tells her that she should be resting, which she reluctantly follows before talking about Ethan. Sarah asks him what will happen to Ethan, to which Danny tells her that he hopes he gets the help he needs. They then continue to talk, making plans to eat out once Sarah recovers before Sasha asks them if they are dating. While Lisa and Peter chastise her, Danny realizes that he never asked Sarah out before doing so. Sarah agrees to go on a date with Danny, much to the children's surprise. Meanwhile, the Temples hang out in the Menagerie, talking about what their future plans should be while they watch Jack and Darren take care of the Dracorex. Deciding that they'll continue their talk later at home, they head over to Rex, Sid, and Nancy's enclosure to play with them. Meanwhile, back in the main hub, Claudia wonders what her next course of action will be, given that she is still marooned in this time period. Jenny, along with Michael, notice her deep in thought and asks her what is on her mind. Claudia tells them what she'll do now that the Firm is defeated, and whether she'll ever return to her home timeline. Jenny reassures her that she will and that they and the A.R.C team will help her get back home. Meanwhile, in Matt's office, Matt finishes informing Ryan and Caroline's families of Ryan and Caroline's passing before hanging up. As he breathes a sigh of relief, Emily enters with a two cups of tea and they talk about the events that had just transpired. While Matt is relieved that everything with the Firm is over, he is still a bit worried that similar organizations like the Firm will rise again. Emily reassures him that it won't, but if something like the Firm were to ever appear, the A.R.C team will stop them. Matt agrees with Emily's thinking before the two move onto other topics (i.e. their relationship, office gossip, etc.).

Meanwhile, in the armoury, Becker is checking the A.R.C's armoury supplies when Jess enters and checks up on him. They talk for a bit before making plans to go on another date. Meanwhile, in another part of the A.R.C, Evan and Dylan try to cheer up a depressed Kieran, who is reluctant to talk about Ryan's death. However, they are eventually able to get him to open up about his emotions before he heads off to distract himself. As Kieran walks away, the two Canadians head back to their room to pack up their things. Meanwhile, Darren and Jack arrive at the infirmary and hang out with Steve, Darren Fisher, Lucien, and Taylor, along with helping the latter four take care of the younger children. While babysitting the children (and watching Danny and Sarah act like teenagers in love) they talk about their future plans. While Steve, Darren Fisher, and Lucien are going to continue on with their normal lives, Darren reveals that he's thinking about reducing his work time at the A.R.C from full-time to part-time in order to attend college, though he makes sure to reassure Jack that he isn't leaving anytime soon. Taylor, on the other hand, reveals that she wants to join the A.R.C team, much to everybody's surprise, before Eve and Lester enter the infirmary. Eve, who was looking for Darren, joins their conversation while Lester informs the children that they will be sent home once they've been debriefed and given a psychological evaluation. As he walks out of the infirmary, Lester stops and turns to Taylor, telling her that he and the rest of the A.R.C team will be waiting for her once she's gone through the necessary training before heading out.

The next day, at the London City Airport, the A.R.C team (minus Sarah, Lester, & Jess) give Evan and Dylan a send-off. Before they go through the security checkpoint, Evan tells Connor that he hopes they'll meet again, which Connor is also hopeful for before the two Canadians head off, hand in hand. As Evan and Dylan disappear into the crowd, Jess calls the A.R.C team, informing the team that another anomaly. Everybody looks at each other before heading out of the London City Airport to deal with the anomaly.


  • Matt Anderson (latest Primeval appearance)
  • Connor Temple (latest Primeval appearance)
  • Abby Temple (née Maitland) (latest Primeval appearance)
  • Jess Parker (latest Primeval appearance)
  • Captain Hilary Becker (latest appearance)
  • Emily Merchant (latest Primeval appearance)
  • James Lester (latest Primeval appearance)
  • Danny Quinn (latest appearance)
  • Jack Maitland (latest appearance)
  • Jenny Miller (latest appearance)
  • Michael Miller (latest appearance)
  • Kieran Coles (latest Primeval appearance)
  • Ryan Backer (latest appearance; death)
  • Eve Lake (latest appearance)
  • Darren Lake (latest appearance)
  • Sarah Page (latest appearance)
  • Caroline Steel (latest appearance; death)
  • Claudia Brown (latest appearance)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Carter (latest appearance; death)
  • The Minister (latest appearance; death)
  • Second Matt Anderson (latest appearance; death)
  • Third Matt Anderson (latest appearance; death)
  • Patrick Quinn/Ethan Dobrowski (latest appearance)
  • Evan Cross (Guest)
  • Dylan Weir (Guest)
  • Dan Redwoods (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Darren Fisher (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Steve Waters (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Luke Wood (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Lisa Donald (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Sasha Peter (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Taylor Craig (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Lucien Hope (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Ellie Pitts (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Jake Green (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Tiffany Pierce (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Ben Trent (Guest) (latest appearance)
  • Professor Mick Windsor (Guest) (latest appearance; death)
  • Sherice (Guest) (latest appearance; death)
  • Firewoman Cooper (Guest) (cameo)
  • Nursery Worker (only appearance)
  • Man in the Car Park (only appearance; death)
  • Jogger (only appearance)
  • Anna Legg (mentioned)



  • A.R.C
  • A.R.C Menagerie
  • The Firm's Old Base
  • Abandoned House
  • Nursery
  • Car Park
  • Self-Storage Warehouse
  • Hyde Park
  • Corner Shop
  • Thames River
  • Unidentified Desert
  • The Firm's Secret Desert Base
  • London City Airport
  • National Gallery (mentioned)

Cancelled Story Idea[]

In the initial draft of the episode's script, Ryan was going to die in the desert while fighting off Future Predators with Kieran. However, Ryan's actor, Rob Compton, felt that Ryan's death was meaningless and was only added in for shock value, so he suggested that Ryan should have a meaningful send off by sacrificing his life protecting one of the kidnapped children instead. While some of the writing staff were against this, series producer Tim Haines supported Compton's suggestion and ordered that the script be changed.


  • According to several cast members, the Spaghetti Junction from Episode 8.12 was supposed to make a return. However, it was cut out due to timing and pacing issues.
  • This episode revealed that after the second and third Matts had formed the Firm, they looked through the A.R.C's database and looked for anybody that was an enemy of the A.R.C. This led them to Ethan, whom they met and recruited into the Firm while he was running from Danny. Later, they were able to recruit the Minister into the Firm, who then recruited Elizabeth and Sherice at the Third Matt's request.

